Built by teachers.

DeltaMath comes straight from the source.

Proven learning that you can trust.

Unlimited practice

Zach Korzyk created DeltaMath in 2009 when he wrote a simple program on substituting values into the Quadratic Formula. Positive student response prompted him to kick into gear and create content for the rest of the school year.

In its first full year as a functional site, DeltaMath was used by 100 teachers and 5,000 students. In the years to come, Zach worked nights, weekends, and summers adding content and features. He taught himself database management, web servers, and JavaScript. By 2019-2020, the site had grown to over 100,000 teacher-users and 4 million students.

DeltaMath Team

DeltaMath Team Member: Zach Korzyk
Zach Korzyk
DeltaMath Team Member: Ben Peled
Ben Peled
VP/Director of Curriculum
DeltaMath Team Member: Katey Phillips
Katey Phillips
Math Content Programmer
DeltaMath Team Member: Lori Bodner
Lori Bodner
Content Designer
DeltaMath Team Member: Ellen Wuu
Ellen Wuu
Program Associate
DeltaMath Team Member: Stephanie Ling
Stephanie Ling
Contributing Developer
DeltaMath Team Member: Maggie Weinreb
Maggie Weinreb
Project Manager
DeltaMath Team Member: Tyler Kremberg
Tyler Kremberg
VP Engineering
DeltaMath Team Member: Corey Connor
Corey Connor
Senior Software Engineer
DeltaMath Team Member: Kayla Molina
Kayla Molina
Program Associate
DeltaMath Team Member: Hannah McDowell
Hannah McDowell
Senior Software Engineer
DeltaMath Team Member: Raleigh Mumford
Raleigh Mumford
Senior Software Engineer
DeltaMath Team Member: Michael Baum
Michael Baum
Software Engineer
DeltaMath Team Member: Stacie Alpizar
Stacie Alpizar
Lead Product Designer
DeltaMath Team Member: Jeff Dodds
Jeff Dodds
Curriculum Specialist
DeltaMath Team Member: Rachael Donati
Rachael Donati
Program Associate
DeltaMath Team Member: Caleb Rash
Caleb Rash
Senior Software Engineer
DeltaMath Team Member: Davis Mercier
Davis Mercier
Math Content Programmer
DeltaMath Team Member: Max Rosenwasser
Max Rosenwasser
Math Content Programmer
DeltaMath Team Member: Jason Oscar
Jason Oscar
Senior Software Engineer

The flexibility coupled with individualized skill practice is a teacher's dream. Likewise, the ability to collaborate with others and design customized assessments is instrumental.

Linda Bensyl, Wayland, MI